
The Science Behind
Healthy Is Wellness

Healthy Is Eating Real Food

Healthy Is Eating Real Food

To improve your mental and physical wellbeing and extend your healthspan, it’s important to eat real food! This month, we spotlight the very important, foundational theme for your overall wellbeing. No matter where you are on your health journey, we all share this in common.

Habit Formation & Goal Setting

Habit Formation & Goal Setting

This year, don’t make a resolution; make a habit! According to research, you can create lasting habits in just 66 days. Here’s how.

Healthy Is Immune Support & Reciprocity

Healthy Is Immune Support & Reciprocity

With the holidays in full swing, it’s a great time to focus on giving back. And it’s also cold & flu season, so we’ll be giving you tactics to support your immune system, too!

Healthy Is Improving Cardiovascular Health

Healthy Is Improving Cardiovascular Health

Getting active to improve cardiovascular strength is always a great tactic, but if that isn’t a great fit for your life right now, no worries! Here are some other strategies to implement.

Healthy Is Moving More, Sitting Less

Healthy Is Moving More, Sitting Less

You were designed to move! In fact, there may be no quicker way to reduce stress, improve your mood, spark creativity, rejuvenate your cells, and extend your life than adding more movement to your life.

Healthy Is Winning the Morning

Healthy Is Winning the Morning

Many sporting events are won or lost before the game is even played in the preparation, or lack thereof, for the event. We can apply that same mindset to our lives with how we spend our mornings.

Healthy Is Improving Composition

Healthy Is Improving Composition

Body composition refers to what your body is made up of. Here are three challenges that can help you improve composition, regardless of where you’re at in your health journey.

Benefits of a Workplace Wellness Program

Benefits of a Workplace Wellness Program

Let’s take a look at why wellness has taken over the conversation when it comes to employee benefits and how a workplace wellness program can make an impact at your organization.

Biometrics 2.0

Biometrics 2.0

Traditional biometric screenings only examine data from one source, and in doing so miss 70% of those who will suffer a heart attack in the next 5 years by mistakenly mislabeling them as “low risk.” We have a better way!

Healthy Is Reducing Inflammation

Healthy Is Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation is a powerful immune response in the body when tissues are injured, helping infections and wounds to heal, and toxins to be eliminated. When it is acute and short term, inflammation is healing. But, like most good things in life, too much of it for too long is a bad thing.

Healthy Is Controlling Your Breath, Continued

Healthy Is Controlling Your Breath, Continued

Using breathwork to reduce stress and improve overall well-being has been used by humans for centuries. Not only is it completely free to use your breath to help improve your health, it is also very powerful!

Healthy Is Tiny Habits

Healthy Is Tiny Habits

Integrating movement with your current daily habits is one of the best ways to exercise without going to the gym, because it removes the barrier of time. This month we hone in on the power of using tiny habits to increase the amount of movement each day.

Healthy is Practicing Gratitude

Healthy is Practicing Gratitude

Your brain is hardwired to constantly be looking for threats to your survival, and will constantly be doing so unless you prime it to do otherwise. But, we can retrain our brains to spot patterns of possibility, so we can see—and seize—opportunity wherever we look.

Healthy Is the Power of Hormesis

Healthy Is the Power of Hormesis

You have a superhuman power inside of every cell in your body, and this month we teach you how to begin to use it as we dive into harnessing the healing power of hormesis.

Healthy Is Adding Rhythm

Healthy Is Adding Rhythm

Did you know that the 2017 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology was given to researchers who proved that every cell in the body has a circadian (daily) clock?
In other words, these researchers discovered that we all operate best and are at our healthiest when our bodies and minds find rhythm each day.

Healthy Is a Digital Fast

Healthy Is a Digital Fast

Our digital devices make us more connected than ever. However, the amount of time and frequency with which we’re using them may be causing more health issues than we realize.

Healthy Is Eating Your Water

Healthy Is Eating Your Water

Water is essential for your metabolism and the health of every cell in your body, including your skin cells, but not all water is absorbed the same. Eating rather than drinking your water is a
better way to hydrate your cells.

Healthy Is Pain Relief: Part 2

Healthy Is Pain Relief: Part 2

Your body follows a pattern of mobility and stability that allows you to freely move to meet all of your daily, and athletic, tasks. However, if you have pain hampering any of your joints, not only can it cause problems for your daily movement, but it can also start cause even more dysfunctional movement patterns that will creep over to pain manifesting itself in other, surrounding joints. 

Healthy Is Pain Relief: Part 1

Healthy Is Pain Relief: Part 1

One of the main things we want you to think about as we talk about relieving pain is not “how do I achieve ‘perfect’ posture to eliminate pain;” but instead, think about “how much time do I spend in the same posture,” as this affects your body chronically more than trying to achieve some magical, perfect posture.

Healthy Is Designed to Move

Healthy Is Designed to Move

One of the most stable shapes in the universe is a triangle. Its wide base and low center of mass make it nearly impossible to move. Humans, on the other hand, are the inverse of this stable shape. We were not designed to stay in one place; we were Designed to Move!

The Track to 66 Challenge

The Track to 66 Challenge

Skeptical of resolutions? So are we! Research shows that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail within the first three weeks. But, if you can make it to two and a half months (66 days, to be exact), then you can turn that resolution into a habit.

Healthy Is Improving Your Mental Wellbeing

Healthy Is Improving Your Mental Wellbeing

Did you know that when you breathe in your heart rate goes up? And when you breathe out your heart rate slows down. Meaning, you can control your stress response through your breath. Learn more about controlling the highs and lows with our Calm challenges.

Healthy Is Win the Morning

Healthy Is Win the Morning

Did you know that scientific research shows that you can prime your body and mind to be in an enhanced state of readiness?  In other words, you don’t have to rely on luck or just hope you have a successful, good, happy day; you can actually make that happen with a proper “warmup” morning ritual.

Just Breathe

Just Breathe

To take control of your health, the most basic step is to breathe. Nose breathing is a proven scientific means within all of our reach to reduce stress. If you spend the whole day breathing through your nose, you will be using the most natural method of de-stressing that you have.

The Mind-Gut Connection

The Mind-Gut Connection

Did you know it is not just the type of food that you eat, but also the mood you are in when you eat that food, that can influence everything from how your body digest the food to even the hormones you release?

Coloring Your Microbiome

Coloring Your Microbiome

You’ve probably heard the advice “eat a rainbow” of food colors every day… but do you know why? Think of your microbiome as like a micro-bug staff that are made up of different experts for different jobs, but all working together.

The Power of Sleep

The Power of Sleep

Have you ever received the flu shot and wondered why it didn’t work? If you get less than 6 hours of sleep per night in the week leading up to your flu shot, you produce only half the antibody response…rendering the vaccination useless. Sleep (along with all circadian rhythms) has substantial regulatory effects on the immune system.