With the holidays in full swing, it’s a great time to focus on giving back.
And let’s not forget, it’s also cold & flu season, so we’ll be giving you tactics to support your immune system, too! Each of the challenges below not only helps with your mental health and ability to give back to those around you, but also has scientific benefits proven to boost your health.
Healthy Is a Simple Act of Kindness
A simple act of kindness completed regularly has been scientifically proven to produce more serotonin and dopamine throughout our bodies. Both of these are neurotransmitters – chemicals released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells. Science shows that simple acts of kindness reduce cortisol and adrenal stress, decrease pain, eliminate signs of depression and anxiety, and lower blood pressure.
Commit to performing a simple act of kindness for one person per day, and do the same for yourself!
Healthy Is No Flour or Sugar for Breakfast
Whenever you “break your fast” in the morning, your first calories of the day are setting your body up for steady energy and proper hormone regulation. However, if that meal contains too much added sugar or flour, it can set you up for a day of moodiness, cravings, and hormone disruption. Avoid this by avoiding sugar and flour for breakfast, and try prioritizing protein and fiber instead!
Healthy Is a Thankfulness Challenge
In one of the largest and longest studies ever done on wellbeing, with over 85 years of data, one of the strongest predictors of physical and mental wellness was the relationships we have with others. For 30 days, begin your day by writing a two-minute positive email, text, or letter praising or thanking someone you know, doing it for a different person each day.
Finish strong.
As we approach the New Year, let’s not only get ready to accomplish our goals in 2024 – let’s make sure we finish 2023 on a high note. Sign up for your next coaching session and our team of coaches will help!